Borzoi Health Problems: A Comprehensive Guide to Ensuring the Health and Happiness of Your Majestic Companion

Portrate of Russian wolfhound on autumn background


As a proud owner of a Borzoi, I understand the importance of ensuring the health and well-being of these majestic dogs. Borzoi are generally healthy dogs, and responsible breeders will screen breeding stock for health conditions such as elbow and hip dysplasia, osteochondritis dissecans, and progressive retinal atrophy. Like other large and deep-chested dogs, they can experience bloat, a sudden and life-threatening stomach condition. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the most common health issues that Borzoi dogs may experience and discuss how responsible breeders and owners can ensure their health and happiness.

Common Health Problems in Borzoi Dogs

Borzoi dogs, like any other breed, can experience a range of health problems. While they are generally healthy, it is important for owners to be aware of potential issues that may arise. The most common health issues that Borzoi may face include:

1. Bloat: A Life-Threatening Emergency

Bloat, also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), is a sudden and life-threatening stomach condition that can affect large and deep-chested dogs, including Borzoi. It occurs when the stomach fills with gas and twists on itself, cutting off blood supply to the organs. Immediate medical intervention is required to save the dog’s life. Symptoms of bloat include a distended abdomen, restlessness, unproductive attempts to vomit, excessive drooling, and pale gums. If you suspect your Borzoi is experiencing bloat, seek veterinary care immediately.

2. Heart Disease: Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

Borzoi dogs are prone to certain heart conditions, such as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). DCM is a disease that affects the heart muscle, leading to an enlarged and weakened heart. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian can help detect and manage heart disease in Borzoi. Symptoms of heart disease may include coughing, difficulty breathing, and lethargy.

3. Low Thyroid Levels: Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid levels, can affect Borzoi dogs. This condition occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, leading to a range of symptoms such as weight gain, lethargy, and skin problems. Medication can help manage hypothyroidism and improve the dog’s quality of life. If you notice any changes in your Borzoi’s behavior or appearance, consult with your veterinarian.

4. Cataracts: Impaired Vision

Cataracts, a clouding of the lens in the eye, can develop in Borzoi dogs. This condition can cause vision impairment or even blindness. Regular eye examinations by a veterinary ophthalmologist can help detect and manage cataracts in Borzoi. If you notice any changes in your dog’s vision or if they are bumping into things, consult with a specialist.

5. Hip and Elbow Dysplasia: Joint Problems

Like many large breeds, Borzoi dogs can be prone to hip and elbow dysplasia. These conditions occur when the joints do not develop properly, leading to pain, lameness, and arthritis. Responsible breeders will screen their breeding stock for these conditions to ensure the health and quality of the breed. If your Borzoi shows signs of joint pain or difficulty moving, consult with your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

6. Sensitivity to Stress: Creating a Calm Environment

Borzoi dogs are known to be sensitive creatures, and they can be prone to stress-related health issues. It is important for owners to provide a calm and stable environment for their Borzoi to prevent stress-related problems such as gastrointestinal issues and skin allergies. Avoid loud noises, sudden changes in routine, and provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation to keep your Borzoi happy and stress-free.

7. Heavy Shedding: Regular Grooming Required

Borzoi dogs have a luxurious, long coat that requires regular grooming. They are known to be heavy shedders, especially during seasonal changes. Regular brushing and grooming can help manage shedding and keep their coat healthy. Invest in high-quality grooming tools and establish a grooming routine to keep your Borzoi’s coat looking its best.

Ensuring the Health of Borzoi Puppies

Responsible breeders play a crucial role in ensuring the health of Borzoi puppies. By following certain practices, breeders can promote the well-being of their puppies and contribute to the overall health of the breed. Here are some steps that responsible breeders can take:

1. Altering Pets: Spaying or Neutering

Responsible breeders will spay or neuter their pet dogs to prevent unwanted litters and reduce the risk of certain health issues, such as mammary tumors and reproductive diseases. Spaying or neutering also helps control the population of dogs and reduces the strain on animal shelters.

2. Educating Buyers: Knowledge is Key

Responsible breeders will educate potential buyers about the specific health concerns of Borzoi and provide them with information on how to care for their new puppy. This includes guidance on nutrition, exercise, grooming, and regular veterinary check-ups. By educating buyers, breeders can ensure that their puppies go to homes where they will receive proper care and attention.

3. Conducting Genetic Tests: Ensuring Healthy Bloodlines

Responsible breeders will conduct genetic tests on their breeding stock to screen for inherited health conditions. This helps ensure that puppies are not born with genetic diseases and promotes the overall health of the breed. By breeding only healthy dogs, breeders can reduce the risk of passing on genetic health issues to future generations.

4. Limiting Dog Ownership: Finding Suitable Homes

Responsible breeders may have limitations on dog ownership to ensure that their puppies go to suitable homes. This includes screening potential owners to ensure they have the knowledge, resources, and commitment to care for a Borzoi. By placing puppies in the right homes, breeders can help prevent health and behavioral issues that may arise from improper care.

5. Providing Proper Exercise: Keeping Borzoi Active

Borzoi dogs are active and athletic, and they require regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Responsible breeders will encourage owners to provide appropriate exercise for their Borzoi puppies to promote healthy growth and development. Regular exercise helps keep their muscles toned, prevents obesity, and stimulates their minds.

The Significance of Screening for Elbow and Hip Dysplasia

Screening breeding stock for conditions such as elbow and hip dysplasia is of utmost importance in maintaining the health and quality of the Borzoi breed. Elbow and hip dysplasia are developmental conditions that can cause pain, lameness, and arthritis in affected dogs. By screening breeding stock for these conditions, responsible breeders can ensure that only healthy dogs are used for breeding, reducing the risk of passing on these conditions to future generations. Regular veterinary check-ups and X-rays can help detect and manage these conditions in Borzoi.

Osteochondritis Dissecans: A Closer Look at Joint Health

Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is an orthopedic disease that can affect the joints of Borzoi dogs, primarily the shoulder joints. It occurs when a piece of cartilage and underlying bone separates from the joint surface, leading to pain, lameness, and joint dysfunction. The exact cause of OCD is unknown, but genetics is believed to play a role. Responsible breeders will screen their breeding stock for OCD to reduce the risk of passing on this condition to their puppies. If your Borzoi shows signs of joint pain or lameness, consult with your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy: Impact on Vision

Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a degenerative eye disease that affects the photoreceptor cells in the retina, leading to progressive vision loss and eventual blindness. Borzoi dogs can be affected by PRA, and responsible breeders will conduct regular eye examinations to detect this condition. While there is no cure for PRA, early detection can help owners prepare for their dog’s changing vision needs and provide appropriate care and support. If you notice any changes in your Borzoi’s vision or behavior, consult with a veterinary ophthalmologist.

Why are Large and Deep-Chested Dogs Prone to Bloat?

Bloat, or gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), is a life-threatening condition that can affect large and deep-chested dogs, including Borzoi. The exact cause of bloat is not fully understood, but several factors contribute to its occurrence. The anatomical structure of large and deep-chested dogs, genetic predisposition, stress, and fast eating are all believed to play a role in the development of bloat. Responsible owners should be aware of the signs and symptoms of bloat and seek immediate veterinary care if they suspect their Borzoi is affected.

Symptoms and Treatment of Bloat in Borzoi

The symptoms of bloat in Borzoi include a distended abdomen, restlessness, unproductive attempts to vomit, excessive drooling, and pale gums. If left untreated, bloat can quickly become a life-threatening emergency. Immediate medical intervention is required, which may involve decompressing the stomach and surgically correcting any twisting. Prompt treatment can greatly increase the chances of a successful outcome. If you suspect your Borzoi is experiencing bloat, do not hesitate to seek veterinary care.

Preventive Measures to Reduce the Risk of Bloat

While bloat cannot be completely prevented, there are some measures that Borzoi owners can take to reduce the risk. These include:

  1. Limiting water consumption around meal times to prevent the stomach from filling too quickly.
  2. Feeding a low-grain diet, as some studies suggest a correlation between grain-based diets and an increased risk of bloat.
  3. Allowing the dog to rest after eating or drinking, as vigorous exercise immediately after a meal can increase the likelihood of bloat.
  4. Feeding smaller, more frequent meals instead of one large meal.
  5. Using slow-feeders or puzzle toys to slow down eating and prevent gulping of food.

The Importance of Regular Exercise and a Balanced Diet

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining the overall health and well-being of Borzoi dogs. These gentle giants require daily exercise to keep their muscles toned and their minds stimulated. A balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs is crucial for their growth, development, and overall health. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate exercise routine and diet for your Borzoi. Remember to provide mental stimulation as well, through interactive toys and training sessions.

Other Health Concerns to Be Aware Of

In addition to the health issues mentioned above, Borzoi owners should be aware of other specific health concerns that can affect the breed. These include:

  1. Heart Disease: Borzoi dogs are prone to certain heart conditions, such as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Regular veterinary check-ups and screenings can help detect and manage heart disease in Borzoi. Symptoms may include coughing, difficulty breathing, and lethargy.
  2. Hypothyroidism: Low thyroid levels, or hypothyroidism, can affect Borzoi dogs. This condition can cause weight gain, lethargy, and skin problems. Medication can help manage hypothyroidism and improve the dog’s quality of life. If you notice any changes in your Borzoi’s behavior or appearance, consult with your veterinarian.
  3. Cataracts: Cataracts, a clouding of the lens in the eye, can develop in Borzoi dogs. Regular eye examinations can help detect and manage cataracts in Borzoi. If you notice any changes in your dog’s vision or if they are bumping into things, consult with a specialist.


Borzoi are generally healthy dogs, but like any breed, they can be prone to certain health problems. Responsible breeders play a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of Borzoi puppies by conducting genetic tests, educating buyers, and providing proper care. As owners, it is our responsibility to provide a loving and nurturing environment for our Borzoi, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and prompt veterinary care. By being aware of the common health issues that Borzoi may face and taking preventive measures, we can ensure that our beloved companions live long, happy, and healthy lives.

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